Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tea Party anyone?



Lets talk a little history here for a second.  Sorry, but history is where we need to look to understand where we are going. In colonial times, as our country was growing and becoming more of a nation than colonies, the British King felt it necessary to show his power over the people.  To do this he placed taxes on the colonies.  These taxes were to help fund his spending on his war as much as to put his thumbs print on “His” colonial constituents.  Although an outcry from the colonies forced the King to repeal some of these taxes, he found loopholes and backdoors to continue to tax.  He felt the paying of these duties, as they were known in the time, proved the colonies were still under his rule.  There was one tax that the colonists could not stomach, the tax on tea.  I can only assume tea was consumed then as coffee from starbucks is today.  It was a staple in the times.  The colonies decided they were not going to sit by with tea cups raised begging and allowing such a tax and stood up to this tyranny.  They blocked ships from ports, they stashed tea for years never to be sold for the king, and they destroyed it.  Yes, you know what I am talking about, the Boston Tea Party in 1773.  Some two hundred colunists stood up against tyranny and tossed the cargo of three ships into the Boston Harbor in defiance of the king’s taxes and ridiculous spending.  This was their way of saying we have had enough. They were not going to be the root from which his money tree grew.


Well look at us now. Two hundred some odd years later we have our selves a king, I mean president, wanting to tax us to support his outlandish spending.  Now I must say, this began before his reign, but his so-called plan is beyond comprehension. This is his first budget.  Look at all the new spending proposed.  He has already wasted billions of dollars to bail out companies that ran themselves into the ground. Look at all the mess that has caused, and that was only the first of the big bailouts. We have yet to hear all the plans for the motor vehicle companies.  He is also proposing new taxes that most may not even know about. He is even hiding this just as a past king, with smoke and mirrors.  As you know most people are getting a “tax break” in tiny increments on their paychecks.  Too little to feel in your wallet, but still what he claims is a move towards less taxes.  Now, I am not a smoker but I believe a new federal tax goes into affect this week on the sell of tobacco.  This is the single largest tobacco tax hike ever. I would assume the smokers out there need a tax break to pay other taxes.  New plans for health reform, aka socialist health care, look to raise taxes on wealthy by $318 billion in the next ten years.  His definition of wealthy is any family making $250k a year.  Now while that is way above me, I will say there are many I know in this bracket.  I have also read plans to drop that to $150k a year.  Now how many of you did that just entail?  Taxing health benefits?  Yes even health benefits are under consideration for taxing.  I guess that is his reform.  So do you think that $15 extra a week in your paycheck will matter when you start paying all these other taxes.  Smoke and mirrors my friends.   What will next years budget look like?  Be afraid. Be very afraid!


Well guess what, sounds like people today are starting to actually look back on history and repeat it in a good way this time.  Tea Parties are all the rave.  Today’s tea parties are not quite so destructive but send the same signal as before.  We are tired of paying your taxes Uncle Sam.  We are tired of fueling your spending.  We will not be the roots of your money tree.  Lets all stand up for ourselves and voice our displeasure in where this country is headed, and look back on where we came from.  A bunch of dreamers, trying to make something of themselves, and trying to build families, businesses, and friendships with out a tyrannical ruler shoving unnecessary rules and taxes down our throats preventing us from becoming who we want to be.  Lets have our Tea Party! I encourage all to seek out your nearest tea party and attend.  Become one of those colonists who stood up to tyranny and throw some “tea” at our government!


You can find a tea party near you at:    

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Well here we go. This is the first of what I hope to be many entries. I have to say this is obviously my opinion based on the facts that I have read or heard. I do not plan to change peoples minds only to voice mine, and recieve feedback from all who have an opinion on said topic. I will say, I will not allow rude, crude, or distasteful language here. I feel our children should be able to read this site and learn from it and form their own opinions as well. I debated on what to open with, but due to recent activity in Congress and the Whitehouse, I will go ahead and drop a big one right out of the box. You may agree or disagree, but I encourage you to voice your opinion. Thanks for visiting this blog and I hope you will return with regularity for future posts and/or comments.

Economic Ups and Downs and Transitions That Follow:
Are we becoming Socialist?

It has become more evident in days past that our nation is in a transition. We are reading of a slowing or near death economy, consumer spending down, stock market falling off the charts, home buying at a stand still, and now bailouts and stimulus plans. A look at history will show ups and downs in the world economy. In times of prosperity, as in the roaring twenties, consumers were spending and borrowing money to invest like it grew on trees. They were living it up, so to say. Then came the depression, when the roaring twenties looked like it was so long ago. When jobs were sparse, money was tight and, people had to learn how to save every penny, just to eat each day. Our country has weathered each economic storm and come through it all with tenacity, and renewed strength. We learned something in those hard times and used it to grow as a nation, as a capitalist nation. Hard work and time spent learning and earning your way meant prospering and growing as an individual and as a business. The “American Dream” was realized by so many. That is what makes this country so great. It is the ups and the downs that make it the great nation it is.

It is obvious we are in one of those down times today. We hear about it on the radio, the television, read it in the daily paper, magazines and on the internet. We feel it in our wallets, our minds and our hearts. It is here where the true spirit of American capitalism should rise up and once again bring the United States and the world out of a down economy. Well, on our current course that is not going to happen!

Our nation has become lazy, selfish, and reliant upon the next person to get the job done. Too many in this country are looking for handouts instead of a way out of their current situation We should extend a helping hand to those truly in need. Our new government is only compounding this with its new programs. They feel it necessary to bailout those who dug themselves into a hole. They think by giving corporations money they will be able to spend it and awaken a sleeping economy. This money they are giving away is borrowed money our grandchildren will have to pay back or freshly printed which will lead to high inflation, yet that taxpayer is receiving little of it directly. The stimulus needs to be directed to the people thru tax cuts. The consumer is the backbone of our economy and if they don’t spend, our economy falters. Giving away trillions of dollars now is only going to make an already lazy nation even lazier. How many times does someone receive a gift only to expect more the next time around? This is where we are headed. Lazy sloughs looking for more care and with outstretched open hands looking for more and larger welfare dollars, and too many wanting the government to support and fill all their needs. Is this what the government wants for our country? Maybe so!

Socialism: Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. This definition is on line at It is becoming more clear everyday that our “New Government” knows exactly what it is doing. They are using this turn in the economy and its multitude of lazy congregations to acquire control of what once was a great nation. The fact is they want the hands open and for them to stay open. This is their opportunity to grab hold of everything that once was great in this country and control it along with the people who have worked so hard to thrive through it all. Every time the “New Government” bails out a company, they then have controlling interest in that company. The government will have say in everything that company does. Be it giant insurance agencies, banks, car manufactures or even your everyday grocery suppliers; the government will have control. Scary thought! This is not capitalism! This is and will always be socialism. Marxism tells us this is a stepping stone towards Communism. This is the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles(Again, Our “New Government” is heading down a road this country cannot thrive upon. America was not founded on socialism, and their ruling over the people by controlling all that they do. Remember the constitution! Remember that the founding fathers were fearful of big government thus formatted the Constituion to prevent it. George Washington said “The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” We are now losing our way by abandoning the Constitution. America has spent countless time, dollars, and LIVES fighting for this Constitution in the past only to forget all that it stands for now. Now the “New Government” wants its congregation to believe this is the best path to follow. Gone will be the days of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to pursue your own happiness and well-being. The “New Government” will tell you if you are happy or not. The “New Government” will tell you where you will work, live, how much you will make, spend, and even eat. This is SOCIALISM! This is the “New Government”!

Opinion: a personal view, attitude, or appraisal. ( is my opinion that we as a nation are in dire straights. The hard working, conservative, patriotic people of this nation need to stand up and be heard. Thomas Jefferson tells us “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” How is this country going to pull through this down turn in the economy? How will we withstand the government turn towards socialism? We have to band together. We have to become ONE and let our VOICE be heard. We can no longer bicker and argue amongst ourselves. No longer can we stand by and listen to others talk; we have to talk ourselves. We have to educate our minds and the minds of our children. Again Jefferson says “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” It is only through educating ourselves on the facts that we can make it through this. Listening to the misguidance of the media and the “New Government” will only prove disastrous for this nation. We have to lose our fear of hurting someones feelings, and call out our government for what it is trying to become; A Socialist Government.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Soon to come, this blog will be for all whom want to discuss the state of our great union. There will be no rude, crude, or distasteful language used. Only mature and responsible opinions will be shared here. It is the will of this blogger to inform and educate readers so that they may make decisions based on facts. Check back in the days to come for our first entry.